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无忧PPT整理发布 无忧PPT整理发布 If 引导的条件状语从句Revision_ selfcheck 位置:从句可放在主句之前或之后,但是放在主句之前须有逗号隔开 eg:如果我有足够的钱,我就去环游世界 If 引导条件状语从句 定义:if “如果, 假如” 它引导的句子表示某事发生所需的条件,即“在…条件下,某事才能发生”,在句子中充当状语,因此称之为条件状语从句。( If引导的条件状语从句表示假如有从句的动作发生,就会有主句动作的发生 ) If I have enough money, I will travel around the world =I will travel around the world if I have enough money If I’m ill, __________________. I will see a doctor Look and say If I’m late, _________________. I will say sorry ??????????????? If it rains tomorrow, I_____________________. will watch TV at home If it _____________ tomorrow, ________________. he’ll play basketball doesn’t rain I won’t________________. play basketball If条件句:条件句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生, 其中 if 是“如果”的意思。 主句一般将来时 ,从句用一般现在时。 构  成 条件从句 主  句 时  态 If+一般现在时 主语+shall/will+动词原形 例  句 If he comes, he will take us to the zoo. 用法: 1. 如果主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。 If it rains(从句), I will stay at home. I’ll go with you if you don’t want to go alone(从句). 2.如果主句含有must, may, can 等情态动词,从句也要用 一般现在时。 If you drive too fast, you may have an accident. You must stop if the traffic is red. If you finish the homework, you can go home. 如果你作业做完了就可以回家了。 If you want to lose weight you must/should eat less bread. 如果你想减肥,你必须少吃面包。 3. 如果主句是祈使句,从句同样要用一般现在时。 Don’t go and play football if you don’t finish your homework. Please call me if he comes next Sunday. 练一练: 1。如果她早点儿起床,就有时间在家里吃早餐 If she____ ____a little earlier, she’ll have time to eat breakfast at home. 2。如果你参加聚会,你将会过得很开心。 If you____ the party ,you_____ ____ a great time. 3。如果明天下雨,我们将不去野餐 If it ____tomorrow, we ___ ____ for a picnic. 4。如果你经常听英文歌,你将会喜欢英语 If you often ____ ___English songs, you___ ___English. gets up join will have rains won’t go listen to will like 1.I’m sure if he _____(go) to the party, he________ (have) a great time. 2.If the rain _______(stop) tonight, we will go to the cin


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