Design and Modeling of a StopbandEnhanced EBG Structure Using Ground Surface Perturbation Lattice f.pdf

Design and Modeling of a StopbandEnhanced EBG Structure Using Ground Surface Perturbation Lattice f.pdf

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Design and Modeling of a StopbandEnhanced EBG Structure Using Ground Surface Perturbation Lattice f

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 57, NO. 8, AUGUST 2009 2047 Design and Modeling of a Stopband-Enhanced EBG Structure Using Ground Surface Perturbation Lattice for Power/Ground Noise Suppression Ting-Kuang Wang, Chia-Yuan Hsieh, Hao-Hsiang Chuang, Student Member, IEEE, and Tzong-Lin Wu, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Based on the ground surface perturbation concept, coplanar EBG structure in two layer are two typical topolo- a novel stopband-enhanced electromagnetic-bandgap (EBG) gies with efficient suppression of power/ground noises in high- structure has been proposed to suppress the power/ground noise speed circuits. Since the power/ground noises in digital or on a three-layer package. This structure consists of a coplanar periodic pattern on the top layer, a ground plane on the third layer, mixed signal circuits are broadband, several research studies and a ground surface perturbation lattice on the second layer with about enhancing the noise stopband have been proposed. The eight vias connecting to the ground plane. By designing the di- stopband bandwidth can be broaden by horizontally or verti- mension and via numbers, the ground surface perturbation lattice cally cascading the unit cells of different periods [11], [12], can significantly enhance the stopband bandwidth. A generic 1-D circuit model is proposed for the three-layer EBG structure. The but more layout space or one more metal layer are required for reason why the proposed structure can possess wider stopband will the cascading approaches. Implanting a high dielectric-constant be explained. Several test samples


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