Computing Trusted Authority Scores in PeertoPeer Web Search Networks ABSTRACT.pdf

Computing Trusted Authority Scores in PeertoPeer Web Search Networks ABSTRACT.pdf

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Computing Trusted Authority Scores in PeertoPeer Web Search Networks ABSTRACT

Computing Trusted Authority Scores in Peer-to-Peer Web Search Networks∗ † ‡ ‡ † Josiane Xavier Parreira, Debora Donato, Carlos Castillo, Gerhard Weikum † Max-Planck Institute for Informatics ‡ Yahoo! Research Saarbrcken, Germany Barcelona, Spain {jparreir,weikum} {debora, chato}@ ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have received great attention Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have emerged in the last for sharing and searching information in large user commu- years as a paradigm for storing and sharing information [31], nities. The open and anonymous nature of P2P networks is using the computing and storage power of a myriad of rela- one of its main strengths, but it also opens doors to manip- tively inexpensive computers (usually desktop PCs), to cre- ulation of the information and of the quality ratings. ate large scale systems that would be very expensive or even In our previous work (J. X. Parreira, D. Donato, S. Michel unfeasible to build in a centralized manner. and G. Weikum in VLDB 2006) we presented the JXP al- So far the main application of such systems in practice gorithm for distributed computing PageRank scores for in- is sharing files that are stored locally on each computer. A formation units (Web pages, sites, peers, social groups, etc.) natural extensio



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