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The Google File System Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung Google∗ ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION We have designed and implemented the Google File Sys- We have designed and implemented the Google File Sys- tem, a scalable distributed file system for large distributed tem (GFS) to meet the rapidly growing demands of Google’s data-intensive applications. It provides fault tolerance while data processing needs. GFS shares many of the same goals running on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivers as previous distributed file systems such as performance, high aggregate performance to a large number of clients. scalability, reliability, and availability. However, its design While sharing many of the same goals as previous dis- has been driven by key observations of our application work- tributed file systems, our design has been driven by obser- loads and technological environment, both current and an- vations of our application workloads and technological envi- ticipated, that reflect a marked departure from some earlier ronment, both current and anticipated, that reflect a marked file system design assumptions. We have reexamined tradi- departure from some earlier file system assumptions. This tional choices and explored radically different points in the has led us to reexamine traditional choices and explore rad- design space. ically different design points. First, component failures are the norm rather than the The


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