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Sheet3 Sheet2 Sheet1 No. 缩写刊名 [点击排序] 刊  名 ↑ 影响因子 [点击排序] AAPS PharmSci AAPS pharmSci ?? AAPS PharmSciTech 01.190?↑? Acta Pharmacol Sin Acta pharmacologica Sinica 01.783?↑? Acta Pol Pharm Acta poloniae pharmaceutica 00.347?↑? Adv Drug Deliv Rev Advanced drug delivery reviews 11.957?↑? Aliment Pharmacol Ther Alimentary pharmacology therapeutics 04.357?↑? Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 22.468?↑? Arch Pharm Res Archives of pharmacal research 01.159?↑? Arzneimittelforschung Arzneimittel-Forschung 00.691?↓? Assay Drug Dev Technol Assay and drug development technologies 02.713?↑? Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol Basic clinical pharmacology toxicology 02.308?↑? Behav Pharmacol Behavioural pharmacology 02.854?↑? Biochem Pharmacol Biochemical pharmacology 04.254?↓? Biol Pharm Bull Biological pharmaceutical bulletin 01.810?↑? Biopharm Drug Dispos Biopharmaceutics drug disposition 01.246?↓? Br J Clin Pharmacol British journal of clinical pharmacology 03.246?↑? Br J Pharmacol British journal of pharmacology 05.204?↑? Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 00.271?↑? Can J Physiol Pharmacol Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 01.341?↓? Cell Physiol Biochem Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology 03.563?↑? Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) Chemical pharmaceutical bulletin 01.698?↑? Chem Biol Drug Des Chemical biology drug design 02.473?↑? Chem Biol Interact Chemico-biological interactions 02.457?↓? ChemMedChem 03.232?↑? Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Clinical and experimental pharmacology physiology 01.936?↓? Clin Drug Investig Clinical drug investigation 01.414?↑? Clin Neuropharmacol Clinical neuropharmacology 02.349?↓? Clin Pharmacokinet Clinical pharmacokinetics 04.560?↑ 04.560?↑? Clin Pharmacol Ther Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 06.961?↓? CNS Drug Rev CNS drug reviews 04.923?↑? CNS Drugs CNS drugs 03.879?↑? Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol P


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