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摘 要:广告英语是英语文体学研究的一个重要分支。前程无忧论文网修辞在广告文体中起着重要作用。从比喻、拟人、双关等六个方面论述了广告英语的修辞特点。 Rhetoric is a subject with a long history. TheEnglish rhetorical theories derive from ancientGreece. Rhetoric makes study of the language fromthe aspect of language application. And it variesaccording to the environment a language is sur-rounded with. In advertising English, rhetoricalskills are occupying the extremely important placesand with these skills, advertisement becomesricher than ever in its expression and much morepersuasive. This article is to discuss the mainkinds of the English rhetorical skills that are fre-quently used in advertising English. 1 MetaphorA metaphor is“an imaginative way ofdescribing something, by referring to somethingelse, which has the quality that you are trying toexpress”. In other words, a metaphor is an impliedcomparison between two things which are of unlikenature but which have one or more features in com-mon. (1) EBEL the architects of timeEBEL is a brand watch from Switzerland. Aswe all know, a famous saying goes like this,揟ime is money? And EBEL is described as搕hearchitects of time? The value and the quality ofthe watch are fully implied in just the few words ofa metaphor. No other words are needed. (2) (Sung): This little girl knows lots oftricksShe knows that sugar and sunshine mix.And the milk and now you knowHow little girls eat sunshine.(Spoken):Kellogg抯 Corn Flakes. That ishow you can eat sunshine everyday. Don抰 let lit-tle things distract you when you抮e eating CornFlakes.Sunshine is usually associated with warmth,comfort and happiness. When you eat Kellogg抯corn flakes every day, it seems that you could en-joy all the wonderful sensations sunshine bringsyou. As we know, children need adequate sun-shine for healthy growth. The comparison ofKellogg抯 corn flakes to sunshine embodies suchan implication that the advertised product may alsohelp children grow up healthily. In this way, chil-dren may receive both emotional and physical bene-fits


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