Unit2 Silicate Structures无机非金属专业英语.docVIP

Unit2 Silicate Structures无机非金属专业英语.doc

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Unit2 Silicate Structures无机非金属专业英语

Unit2 Silicate Structures Atomic arrangement in hundreds of silicates having complex chemical compositions have in their basic structures a beautiful simplicity and order. At the same time the details of many of the silicate structures are complex and difficult to illustrate without three-dimensional models, and we will not attempt to give precise structure information. The radius ratio for Si-O is 0.29, corresponding to tetrahedral coordination, and four oxygen ions are almost invariably arrayed around a central silicon. With a bond strength of 1, oxygen ions may be coordinated with only two silicon atoms in silica; this low coordination number makes close-packed structures impossible for SiO2, and in general silicates have more open structures than those discussed previously. The SiO4 tetrahedra can be linked in compounds such as corners are shared in several ways. There are four general types. In orthosilicates, [SiO4]4-, tetrahedra are independent of one another; in pyrosilicates ,[Si2O7]6- ions are composed of two tetrahedra with one corner shared; in metasilicates, SiO3(SiO3)n, two corners are shared to form a variety of ring or chain structures; in layer structures,(Si2O5)n, layers are made up of tetrahedra with three shares corners; in the various forms of silica, SiO2, four corners are shared. silica. Crystalline silica, SiO2, exists in several different polymorphic forms corresponding to different ways of combining tetrahedral groups with all corners shared. Three basic structures—quartz、tridymite、cristobalite—each exists in two or three modifications . The most stable forms are low quartz , below 573C ;high quartz ,573 to 867C;high tridymite,867 to 1470C;high cristobalite ,1470 to 1710C;and liquid ,above 1710C;and liquid , above 1710C .The low temperature modifications are distorted derivative structures of the basic high—temperature forms .(A derivative structure in the sense is one that can be derived from a basic structure of greater symmetry by distor



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