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2010 12 现 代 情 报 Dec, 2010 30 12 Journa of Modern Information Vo 30 No12 谷梅丽 ( 吉林省印刷技术研究所, 吉林 长春 130062) ! 随着社会经济的不断发展, 知识管理的理念和方式已经逐步的渗入到企业信息资源 发和利用的整 个过程之中, 并且已经在企业技术创新经营决策等方面发挥了越来越重要的作用正确的运用知识管理, 改变企业的经营管理方式, 合理 的 发和利用企业信息资源, 可以有效的提高企业的核心竞争力本文以知识管理为背景, 分析了在知识管理背景下, 企业信 息资源的 发和利用以及在整 个过程中可能存在的问题, 并给出具体的对策建议 ! 知识管理; 企业信息资源; 资源 发利用 DOI: 10 . 3969/ j. issn . 1008- 0821. 2010. 12. 018 ! F27 ! A ! 100 8- 0821 ( 2010) 12- 0065- 04 Research on Business Enterprise Information Resources Development and Utilization Based on Knowledge Management Gu Mei i ( Print ing Techno ogy Research Institute in Ji in, Changchun 130062, China) Abstract! With the continuous deve opment of socia economy, the concepts and methods of know edge management have gradua y inf i trated into the entire process of the enterprise information resources deve opment and uti ization, and have p ayed an increasing y important ro e in techno ogy innovation in the enterprise and the business decision- making . The correct use of the know edge management ; change the enterprises management method; reasonab e exp oitation and uti ization of enterprise informa tion resources, can eff ective y improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise. This paper based on the know edge management as the background , Ana yzed in know edge management background, the enterprise information resources deve opment and uti iza tion in the who e process and possib e prob ems, and gives the specif ic countermeasures and suggestions . Key words! know edge management ; enterprise information resource; Resource deve opment and uti ization



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