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( ) 7 ( 2 ) 000869 J . Sha nx i Ag ric. Univ. ( Social Science Edition) N o. 2 Vol. 7 2008 大学生公寓文化建设的几点思考 李文来 ( , 0 30 80 1) : 大学生公寓文化是高校校园文化的重要组成部分, 它具有区间性日常性独特性 流变性等特 以及导向性育人性规范性调适性激励性等功能在新的形势下, 要搞好 大学生宿舍文化建设, 就必须加强管理工作, 提高公寓管理队伍的素质; 加大投资力度, 搞好 公寓基础设施建设; 创新管理体制, 发挥学生自我管理的作用; 健全规章制度, 促进规范管理 的优化; 开展对外交流, 借鉴他校公寓建设的经验 : 大学生; 公寓; 文化建设 : G641 : A : 167 18 15 1 ( 200 8) 0202 1903 Consideration on Cultural Construction of Universi ty StudentsApartment LI Wenlai (M anagement Center of Flats of Shanx i A gr icult ural Un iv ers ity , Taig u S hanxi 030 801, Ch ina) Abstract: T he cultur al const ruction o lats is an impor tant part o campus ones in colleg es. Its char acteristics include area, da ily act ivity, par ticular ity and mo bility. And its unct ions include o rienting , teaching, standarding, adju st ing and inspir ing . U nder the new situatio n the better cul tur al constr uctio n o underg raduates lats is r equired , W hile the manag ement is r equir ed to en hance, the quality o t he personnel in manag ing lats requir ed to incr ease, the basic acilities in lats r equir ed to build , the manag ement system required t o optimize in order to br ing into pla y un derg r aduate them selves r oles, the mor e per ect regulation is requir ed to optimize manag ement , and the co mmunication w ith o ther colleg es r equir ed to learr their ex periences. Key words: U niv ersity st udents; A par tment ; Cultural co nstr uction ,


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