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本科毕业设计报告书 以集装箱为材料流动图书馆的研究与设计 学生姓名 彭玉凤 所在专业 艺术设计(环境艺术设计) 所在班级 2010级2班 申请学位 学士学位 指导教师 于洋 副指导教师 答辩时间 2014年4月 梧州学院制 要 近年来,流动图书馆做为图书馆延伸服务的一种成功模式,一直在国内外蓬勃发展。《中国图书馆学报》2008年第6期发表了《图书馆服务宜言),贯穿着开放、共享、和谐、创新、平等、合作的理念,列出了七个目标,这将成为图书馆界的行业自律。宜言内容体现了图书馆的核心价值观,明确了为全体读者提供服务是图书馆的天职,图书馆的服务对象是全体公民[1]。每个公民都有享受平等的图书馆服务的权利。但是,我国地域辽阔、人口众多,很多生活在贫困山区的居民很难像社区居民或城市居民一样享用图书馆资源。加上建立公共图书馆的费用较大,政府投资有限,使得我国的人均拥有图书的数量远低于国际水平。在2006年时我国人均藏书量仅仅只有0.36册远低于人均1.5—2册的国际图联的标准藏书量。 我国是一个地域辽阔的人口大国,提高国民的文化素质,是我国发展的一个重要因素。本文以集装箱进行流动图书馆设计,阐述了流动图书馆相比于传统图书馆的服务特色和存在的问题,分析了国内外流动图书馆的发展现状和历程以及集装箱在国内外所占的重要市场,进一步探讨了集装箱式流动图书馆带来的发展机遇和对策。 Research and design of?the flow of material?library?in the container Abstract In recent years, mobile library as extension services of a successful model, has been booming in China and abroad. Make 008, 6 in the proceedings of the Chinese library published the library service should be), but it is a list of seven goals, through the opening, equality, harmony, innovation, and the idea of sharing, cooperation, this will be a library self-discipline. Appropriate content embodies the core values of the library, but it made clear to all the readers service is the first duty of a library, the library service object is all citizens. Enjoy equality of library service is every citizens rights. However, Chinas vast territory, a lot of people living in remote mountainous area is very difficult to like community residents or urban residents enjoy the same resources. And the government investment in the public library is limited, our country has the number of books per capita is far lower than the international level. In 2006 per capita amount of books only 0.36 copies, also far lower than per capita 1.5-2 copies of the collection of the sections of the standard. Our country is a populous country, improve the quality of the national culture, is an important factor in the development of our country. In a container as a mobile library stacks tour, this paper expounds the service char


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