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I 基础设施 nfrastructure 新建的和既有的钢筋混凝土结构的阴极防护 1 2 周欲晓 Atef Cheaitani (1.圣维可防腐科技有限公司,广东广州510530 ;2. Savcor Group Ltd, Sydney, Australia ) 摘 要:钢筋混凝土结构的腐蚀是全世界建筑业面临的挑战之一。现在看来,显然所有海洋环境中的构筑物在其寿 命期内都会遭受到氯化物的腐蚀导致的劣化。为了实现对既有结构的长期修复和提高新建结构的耐腐蚀性能,至关重要的 是要充分认识钢筋腐蚀的机理,也必须了解最新的技术可用于修复既有的结构和对新建的结构防腐蚀。本文将重点介绍劣 化的主要原因和预防钢筋混凝土结构腐蚀,保护及防护的最新技术。 关键词:阴极防护 阴极保护 钢筋混凝土结构 劣化 氯化物 中图分类号:TU503 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-7818(2009)07-0065-04    Corrosion Prevention for New and Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures ZHOU Yu-xiao, Atef Cheaitani (1. Savcor Corrosion Technology Ltd. Guangzhou 510530, China; 2. Savcor Group Ltd, Sydney, Australia) Abstract: The fight against corrosion of reinforced concrete structures is one of the challenges facing the construction industry worldwide. It is evident today, that all structures built in aggressive marine environment, will suffer from deterioration caused by chloride induced corrosion during their service life. In order to achieve adequate long term repair for existing structures and to improve the corrosion resistance of reinforcement for new structures, it is essential to fully understand the mechanism of reinforcement corrosion and also to be aware of the latest technologies available for repair of existing structures and corrosion prevention of new structures. This paper will highlight the main causes of deterioration and the latest technologies for corrosion protection and prevention of reinforced concrete structures. Key words: cathodic prevention; cathodic protection; reinforced concrete structure; chloride; deterioration 0 导言


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