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毕业论文 题目名称 电动机变频调速系统设计 系别 电气信息工程系 专业/班级 自动化07101 学生 学号 指导教师 (职称) 摘要 变频器是交流电气传动系统的一种,是将交流工频电源转换成电压,频率均可变的适合交流电机调速的电力电子变频装置,英文简称VVVF(Variable Voltage Variable Frequency) Abstract The inerter is a power electronic conversion device of AC electric transmission system, which converts AC power-frequency voltage and frequency to be fit for AC motor speed control ,and is called VVVF(Variable Voltage Variable Frequency) .The design is based on the controls the inverter, and then the inverter control the speed of the motor. Based on S72 200 PLC, the variable frequency s peed2 adjusting experi ment system is intr oduced withthe constituti on and contr olling scheme and signal2 dis posalmethods of this system, and the hardware circuit, relatedtrapezoid chart and dis p laying p rogram of t ouch screen is designed aswell . The debugging results show that the systemis si mp le and p ractical . Students can better master the rrinci p le and the app licati on of PLC and variable frequencys peed2 adjusting system thr ough the p ractice and exercise of general designing experi ment or curriculum design . Fur2thermore, they can also use the t ouch screen skillfully, which will lay a good foundati on for their future design work inthis filed . The paper p r oves t o be of high value for reference in the other related research . Key words: induction motor;inverter;Speed control,PLC 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪 论 1 1.1 概述 1 1.2 变频调速技术的发展 1 1.2.1 电力电子器件的发展 1 1.2.2 变频调速技术的发展意义 4 2 异步电动机的基本原理及调速方法 9 2.1 异步电动机概述 9 2.1.1 异步电动机基本结构 9 2.1.2异步电动机的旋转原理 10 2.1.3 异步电动机电路的等效变换 11 2.1.4 异步电机变频调速原理 15 2.1.5 变频调速的控制方式及选定 17 3 变频器主电路设计 18 3.1 整 流 电 路 18 3.1.1 不可控整流电路 18 3.2 中 间 电 路 20 3.3 逆 变 电 路 20 3.3.1 逆变电路的工作原理 21 3.3.2 电压型和电流型逆变电路 21 3.3.3 三相桥式逆变电路 22 4 变频参数与选择 23 4.1 功能及参数 23 4.1.1 频率的给定功能 23 4.1.2 频率给定 24 4.1.3 频率控制功能 24 4.1.4 启动、升速、降速、制动功能 25 4.1.5 PID调节功能 27 5 PLC控制电机变频调速试验系统 29 5 . 1 PLC控制电机变频调速试验系统构成 29 5.1.1  电机变频调速控制试验系统要求 29 5.1.2  电机变频调速试验系统控制方案 31 5.2.1  I/O


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