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摘要 随着我国经济的快速发展,钢结构在建筑结构中的应用也日益广泛。高层钢结构 房屋由于具有诸多优点,正被越来越多的人所认可和肯定。本论文设计研究的是一栋 商务时尚快捷酒店,文中主要从建筑和结构两个方面对钢结构建筑的应用进行了研究, 该建筑采用钢框架结构,框架之间加入混凝土砌块填充,楼板采用压型钢板组合楼板, 并采用了铰接和焊接的方式对各个构件进行连接。 建筑设计方面主要介绍了该建筑的相关构件的设计和做法,对建筑图的设计提供了 信息,并最终完成了建筑图。结构设计则主要包括了节点的设计,柱脚的设计,楼梯、 平台的设计,组合楼板的设计。荷载计算的方式采用了近似手工计算。水平荷载包括风 荷载和地震荷载,采用 D 值法进行计算。竖向荷载包括恒荷载、活荷载和重力荷载代表 值。使用弯矩二次分配法进行计算。对计算的结构进行内力组合,选出危险的截面进行 相应截面和构件的验算。在对截面和构件进行验算的时候,主要对钢结构的强度,刚度 和稳定性进行验算,最终对于计算的结果用 pkpm 进行校核对比。 关键词: 钢框架 弯矩二次分配法 D 值法 Abstract With the rapid development of our economy,steel has been widely used in construction. Because of having a number of advantages,small high and high building of steel is being recognized and affirmed by a growing number of people and technical staff begin to the study of technical theory. In this paper, a Business fashion Fast hotel was designed, The research was made of both architectural and structural aspects.between the frame Join the concrete block,The floors of composite slabs with profiled steel sheet,The main type of connection was bolting and welding. Architectural design mainly introduces the design and practice of the construction of the relevant components.Provides information on the construction drawing design,and finally completed the building plans,And the structural design includes the design of members of steel frame,connection design,staircase design,floor design and the design of column foot.The horizontal load includes wind load and seismic load which are calculated in D value method.The vertical load includes the dead loads of structure, live load, respective value of gravity and they should be calculated in The moment two methods of distribution,then combines the internal forces and check the members of the frame so as to test and verify the connection,staircase,floor and column foot . And draw structural map of building by computer on by hand. At last, aiding method was used to check the result with the software of PKPM. Keywords: steel frame The mom


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