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编号: 嵌入式系统综合实训说明书 题 目:基于ARM Cortex-M0定时预警器 院(系): 信息与通信学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 黄彬 学 号: 11002 指导教师: 晋良念 2015年 1 月 11 日 摘 要 随着社会和科技的发展,人类的各种预警器都有了好大的发展,如有温度预警器、压力预警器、定时预警器等等,总之只有你想不到的,没有没研究出来的预警器。而定时预警器也有了好大的应用,如它可以作为闹钟、又可以做为秒表等等,它集时间、日期、星期功能于一身,具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁等诸多优点,符合电子仪器仪表的发展趋势,具有广阔的市场前景。本文介绍了基于arm-m0嵌入式的开发平台设计的多功能的定时预警器的思路和技巧。在keil开发环境中编译和仿真了所设计的程序,并逐一调试验证程序的运行状况。仿真和验证的结果表明,该设计方法切实可行,该定时预警器可以实现调时定时播放警报声和点亮警报灯功能具有一定的实际应用性。 关键字: 定时预警器;调时定时;放警报声;点亮警报灯;keil;嵌入式 Abstract With the development of society and science and technology, human beings have all sorts of warning device of the very big development, such as temperature warning device, pressure warning device, timing, warning device, etc., in short, only you think not not not developed early warning device.Timing and warning device that has had a lot of applications, such as it can serve as an alarm clock, and can be as a stopwatch, and so on, it set time, date, week functions in one, is easy to read, display, intuitive and functional diversity, circuit is simple, and many other advantages, in line with the development trend of electronic instruments and meters, has a broad market prospect.This paper introduces the development platform design based on arm - m0 multi-function timing of early warning of ideas and skills.Compilation and simulation in the keil development environment, the design program and debug operation condition of the validator.Simulation and verification results show that the proposed design method is feasible, the timing when warning device can realize the function of timing alarm sound and light warning lamp has a certain practical applications. Key Words Timing warning device;and the timing;alarm; light lamp; keil; embedded 目 录 1 绪论···················································1 1.1 嵌入式的发展····················································1 1.2 ARM的发展··················



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