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基于PROE少齿数齿轮逆向工程与制造 ee (ee) 指导教师:ee [摘要] 随着市场竞争的日益激烈,如何减少产品的研发时间、减少研发经费已成为现代企业研究的一个热点。在工业领域中,逆向工程受到越来越多的中式,并且得到了广泛应用。逆向工程是一个从已有实物模型中获得该产品模型的过程,适合与几何形状复杂、具有多个自由曲面的产品造型设计。 逆向工程的关键技术包括:数据获取、数据处理和模型重建。通过对数据处理方法进行研究,得到数据处理的一般流程。根据工件的特点,采用逆向工程方法完成模型重建工作。采用深圳SEREIN三维激光扫描仪高效率、高精度地完成工件的数据获取工作。应用SURFACER软件完成数据处理工作,获得完整、准确的数据以方便后续模型重建工作的进行。充分利用Pro/E软件,完成模型的重构工作。 研究表明,采用逆向工程的方法完成的模型,可以获得较高的模型质量,提高效率,是一种行之有效的方法,具有重要的实际意义和较高的应用价值。 [关键词] 逆向工程 Pro/E 曲线重构 数据 建模 The Pro/E less number of teeth gear reverse engineering and manufacturing ee () tutor:Abstract: With increasing competition in the market, how to reduce the development time and cost had become hotspots in the modern enterprise. In the field of industry, Reverse Engineering was paid more attention than before, and had been widely used. Reverse Engineering was a process of gaining digital model from the prototype. It fitted for the sculpting design of products which were complicated in the shape, and had sever free-from surfaces. The key techniques of reverse engineering include: data acquisition,data processing and model reconstruction. By researching on the techniques of data processing, the general manipulation flow of data processing is explored. In light of the characteristics of the model, it is completed with reverse engineering. The data is collected with SEREIN I optical scanner efficiently and accurately. The data processing of shroud parts of the model is done with SURFACER, which results in an integrated and accurate data convenient for model reconstruction. Taking advantage of the Pro/E , the shroud model reconstruction is conducted. The research indicates that the shroud model reconstruction, completed with reverse engineering, is an effective technique, which can bring about high quality model and efficiency and have great actual and practical value. Key words: Reverse Engineering; Pro/E; Surface Reconstruction; Point Cloud; Modeling 目 录 1.绪论 1 1.1引言 1 1.2课题提出的背景及意义 1 1.2.1逆向工程在国内外研究状况 1 1.2.3逆向工程的原理及特点 1 1.2.


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