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JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 英汉称赞语及其应答的对比 英文题目 Comparison of Compliments and Compliments Responses in Chinese and English 院 系 继续教育学院 专 业 英语教育 姓 名 年 级 2014级 指导教师 二零**年十一月 摘 要 在人类的语言交际中,称赞语是一种使用频率较高的礼貌言语行为。它是说话者明白地或者曲折地赞誉说话者以外的对象,通常指的是受话者或者是受话者有关的事物,赞美的内容往往是对方一些好的方面(如成功,财产等)。在人际交往中,称赞语主要起着创造或者保持和谐的人际关系这一社会功能,它壳用来打招呼,致谢,表示鼓励和祝贺,开始话题,缓解矛盾等。称赞语虽是世界共有一种的言语交际行为,但它却受着特定的社会文化背景,价值观念所影响。因此,英汉称赞语也必定存在着较大的差异。 这篇论文主要是通过比较和分析英汉称赞语及其应答的不同,指出英汉称赞语的差异主要是源于两种不同的文化背景和文化价值观。研究的目的旨在寻找不同文化背景下如何恰当地给予和接受称赞语的有效途径。这篇论文总结了英汉称赞语的不同,关注它们的不同,能够避免误会和尴尬。除此之外,在跨文化交际中,学习更多的有用的交际技巧能够获得建立和保持良好的人际关系。 关键字:称赞语;称赞语应答语;跨文化交际 Abstract Compliment is a polite act that is frequently used in people’s daily verbal interaction. It is a speech act which explicitly or implicitly attributes credit to someone other than the speaker, usually the person addressed or the things related to the person addressed, for some “good” (achievements, possession, etc.). A compliment event has the social function of establishing and maintaining harmonious interpersonal relations in interpersonal communications .It can contribute to greet , thank, encourage, and congratulate, open conversations and erase conflicts, etc. Compliment is common all around the world, but is influenced by social backgrounds, cultural values. Therefore, there exist great difference between in Chinese and English. The thesis centers on comparing and analyzing Chinese and English compliments and compliments response. It can be concluded that the indifferences between English compliments and Chinese compliments arise from the different cultural backgrounds and cultural values in both language. The study aims to provide a good understanding of how to perform and accept compliments appropriately in different cultural background. This thesis makes a conclusion and tells that the di


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