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摘 要 水泥是社会经济发展最重要的建筑材料之一,在今后几十年甚至是上百年之内仍然是无可替代的基础材料,对人类生活文明的重要性不言而喻。 现代最先进的水泥生产技术就是新型干法预分解窑。预分解窑是在悬浮预热器与回转窑之间增设分解炉,在分解炉中加入占总用量50%-60%的燃料,使燃料燃烧的过程与生料碳酸盐分解的吸热过程在悬浮状态或沸腾状态下迅速进行,从而使入窑生料的分解率从悬浮预热窑的30%-40%提高到85%-90%,使窑的热负荷大为减轻,窑的寿命延长,而窑的产量却可成倍增长。与悬浮预热器窑相比,在单机产量相同的条件下,预分解窑具有:窑的体积小,占地面积减小,制造、运输和安装较易,基建投资较低,且由于一半以上的燃料是在温度较低的分解炉内燃烧,,产生有害气体NOx较少,减少了对大气的污染。 为了符合当今水泥行业的发展需求同时也是对大学本科四年所学知识的考,我选择了“日产5000吨水泥熟料窑尾设计”这个课题作为我的毕业课题。设计范围主要是窑尾系统,通过配料计算、工艺平衡计算等得出结果,并结合实际对主机及附属设备进行选型,进而对各种设备进行工艺布置,对全厂的设备进行简单规划。为了使本次设计各项指标符合国家标准,本次设计的过程和结果完全依据水泥工厂设计规GB50295—1999;同时设计上参考了t/d 熟料生产线、烟台东源5000 t/d 新型干法生产线等国内先进的相近规模生产线,并密切联系了毕业实习以及大学期间的认识实习、生产实习等。在符合最新生产发展要求的基础上,达到最大程度节约资源、能源,做到既降低生产成本又能稳定生产,经济效益和社会效益双赢的可持续生产。 ABSTRACT Cement is one of the most important building materials of the social and economic development, within the coming decades or even a century,Cement is still no substitute for basic materials, the importance of human civilization is self-evident. Modern most advanced cement production technology is NSP kiln advance decomposition. Pre decomposition kiln is in suspension preheater between decomposing furnace with rotary kiln added, join in calciner in total amount 50% - 60% of fuel, to make the fuel burning process and raw in the absorption process decompose carbonate state of suspension or boiling condition, thus make rapid decomposition rate of kiln raw from suspension preheater kiln 30 to 40 percent of the increased to 85 percent to 90 percent, the heat load of kiln is reduced greatly, while the prolonging furnace production but can increase exponentially. Compared with suspension preheater kiln individual output, in the same conditions, the decomposition furnace with: small size, covers an area of reduced, manufacturing, transportation and installation easier, low investment in infrastructure, and because more than half of fuel is in the lower temperature burning in precalciner,, produce harmful gases, and reduced the rate of less NOx atmospheric pollution. In order to meet the de


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