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2015.3.28托福口语考试解析及范文   考试的动人情节想同学们还记忆犹新吧,本期为了方便更多考生学习,特此小编整理出2015.3.28托福口语考试解析及范文,就让我们一起回顾下考试情节吧。   0328的考试对于考过的朋友还历历在目吧,相信现在看到本文的同学们大都是成绩不太理想的吧,别灰心,看看老师们对3月28日托福口语考试的解析和给出的参考答案,对照下自己因为什么失分了。   Task 1: If you are about to make a donationto a community, which one would you prefer? City library, animal rescue centeror environmental organization.   此题是三选一题型。回答时可从个人角度或社会角度出发来回答问题。   例如选择library,可以说图书馆提升社区人文环境:比如give people more books to read-makepeople wiser或provide a better reading environment-attract more people tolibrary-enrich the spiritual life of residents。另外也可以说个人的喜好:我喜欢读书-希望有更多的书读/希望有更好的阅读环境-希望可以捐钱给图书馆。   选择animal rescue center亦可:社会角度:有很多流浪动物(homeless animals),既影响了市容市貌(make people feel bad)也有安全隐患(散播传染病spread disease)。个人角度:我非常喜欢小动物,很难忍受看到他们在街头露宿的惨状(sometimes when I see those homeless animals I feel very sad for them),希望能够在收容所有更多投入,能够拯救更多的动物。   选择环境组织:个人角度和社会角度的出发点类似,主要是提醒人们产生保护环境的意识(to remind people of environmental protection)以保证社会的可持续发展(sustainabledevelopment),为后代创造更好的生存条件(better living conditions for our off-springs),也是保护自己的健康。   宋逸飞老师下面给出答案示例,以最常见的Library为例:   A: I would like to donate my money to thecity library. I think this will allow the library to purchase more books andcreate a better reading environment. First of all, the city library is animportant place for people to look for certain books or information that theywant, therefore trying to make the city library more comprehensive andall-inclusive will make it more convenient for those who come for help.Besides, the library is also a place for a lot of people to do their work, simplybecause of its quiet and peaceful environment. If more money is donated tofurther construct the utilities and better the service provided, for example ifthe library had a coffee house where people can grab something when they feel alittle tired, it’ll make people a lot more productive with their work.   Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement: students should do part-time jobs before they entercollege.


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