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南 京 理 工 大 学 毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 蒋高峰 准考证号104911252014 教学点: 扬州市职业大学 专 业: 机电一体化 题 目: 基于单片机的智能温度控制系统设计 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 年 月 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 温度控制无论是在工业生产过程中,还是在日常生活中都起着非常重要的作用,而当今,部分厂矿,企业还一直沿用简单的温度设备和纸质数据记录仪。无法实现温度数据的测量与控制。本系统以AT89C51单片机为核心,采用数字式温度传感器DS18B20采集温度信息,这样不仅节省端口资源,而且还简化了电路结构。系统采用2个LED数码管显示器来显示实时温度,通过温度显示切换按钮还可以显示用户设定的温度值。为了简化键盘的硬件结构,本系统采用了手拨按钮。温度控制系统,采用了带有过零触发的双向晶闸管触发电路,以减少硬件电路的干扰。数字式温度传感器;双向晶闸管触发;Proteus仿真 Title Based on single chip microcomputer intelligent control system design Abstract Temperature control in industrial production process, or in our daily life plays a very important role, and today, some factories and mines, enterprises still continue to use the temperature of the simple equipment and paper data recorder. Unable to realize the temperature measurement and control of data. This system needle some economical field temperature control but required for the problem design, AT89C51 single chip microcomputer as the core to realize the automatic temperature control, using digital temperature sensor DS18B20 collecting temperature information, System USES two LED digital tube to display the real-time temperature monitor, through temperature display switch button can also display the user setting temperature value. In order to simplify the hardware structure of the keyboard, the system adopts hand dial button. Temperature control system, and adopted with zero passage trigger bidirectional thyristor trigger circuit, his design based on single chip microcomputer complete design of the platform. This design through simulation to design the index in this paper, the design scheme of temperature class design has reference value. Keywords Digital temperature sensor; Bidirectional thyristor trigger; Proteus Simulation 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 目录 1 绪论 1



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