汽车英语3—汽车基本构造篇 Unit 6.ppt

汽车英语3—汽车基本构造篇 Unit 6.ppt

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尚辅网 尚辅网 尚辅网 Section II Reading 3. Those who drive manual transmission vehicles, or stick shifts, usually engage the emergency brake every time they exit the car. 那些开手动传动或是手动变速器汽车的司机,每次在离开车的时候通常会拉上紧急刹车。 ______________________________________________________ 尚辅网 Section II Reading 4. Pulling the emergency brake while stopped, and then letting it out as you release the clutch can be tricky, so you might want to practice this maneuver before depending on it. 当车停止的时候拉起手刹,然后在松开离合器的同时慢慢放下手刹,这是非常需要技巧的过程,因此在你能靠此上坡起步前你需要多多练习这个操作步骤。 ______________________________________________________ 尚辅网 Section II Reading 5. Even though the emergency brake cable is housed in a protective sleeve, with infrequent use, the cable can become corroded and rusted. 即使紧急制动拉索被放置在保护套里,如果不经常使用的话,拉索会腐蚀生锈。 ______________________________________________________ 尚辅网 Section III Grammar As if it were my fault!好像是我的过错似的! To think a scandal of this sort should be going on under my roof!真想不到这种丑事竟然出在我们家里! 2. 从句表示的感叹句。 Alas!哎呀!Why!什么(话)!嗯!岂有此理!好好!Dear me!哎呀!Great Heavens!天哪! 1. 感叹词(以及副词、形容词),短语表示的感叹句。 例句 用法 Exclamatory Sentence 感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情。 尚辅网 Section III Grammar What a rotten day!多倒霉的一天! What lovely flowers those are!那些花多美啊! 4. What引导的感叹句。 Isn’t it a lovely view! 多美的景色 呀! Aren’t you working hard! 你干得多 么起劲哪! 5.疑问句形式的感叹句。 有些感叹句采用一般疑 问句的形式表示,以否 定词开头,标点符号用 感叹号,在口语中用降 调。 How beautifully she sings!她唱歌唱得多美啊! How he ran!他跑得多快啊! How strange and impressive was life!人生是多么奇妙动人啊! 3. How引导的感叹句。 尚辅网 Section III Grammar Task 1: Correct the mistakes in the sentences. How wonderfully the football he played! 2. How a good time we had last night! 3. What silly he is to ask such a question! How wonderfully he played football ! ___________________________________________ What a good time we had last night! ______



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