【精品】北师大版英语八下《Unit 12 Western China》(Part 2)教案.docVIP

【精品】北师大版英语八下《Unit 12 Western China》(Part 2)教案.doc

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Unit 12 Western China 一. 本周教学内容: Unit 12 part 2 ??? 学会使用一般过去时,现在完成时和一般现在时描述生活中事物的变化 ? 二. 本周教学重点: ? 1. 介词in的使用 ? 2. 情态动词的使用 ? 3. 课文解析 ? 三. 具体内容: (一)in的使用 ? 1. 表示所处方位: ??? A)at, in 表示在某地时,at 后接小地方,in 后接大地方。 ??? e.g. When did you arrive at the station? ??? I arrived in Beijing last night. ??? B) 表示“位于”,in 表示在某范围之内 ??? e.g. Inner Mongolia lies in the north of China. ??? Taiwan is in the southeast of China. ? 2. 表示时间 A)in用于表示在年,月,季节,上午/下午/晚上/白天 e.g. in May,1994??? in spring???? in the morning/afternoon/evening/ the day ??? It’s getting warmer and warmer in spring, and plants are growing B)后跟表示一段时间的短语,“在……时间内”或“在……时间后” Can you finish drawing a horse in five minutes? ? 3. 其他用法 ??? 表示“穿着,戴着”或“用某种语言/材料”等 ??? e.g. She was in red. ??? Please write it in a blue ink. ??? What’s this in English? It’s an English-Chinese dictionary. ? (二)must, have to 的使用。 ? 1. 两者都可以表示“必须”, 但must强调主观上认为有义务,有必要;而have to着重于表示客观上的需要,含有“不得不”的意味。 ??? e.g. We must work hard.[ ??? We have to work hard if we want to live better. ? 2. must 只有一种形式,通常表示现在或将来的动作,而have to 有各种时态。 ??? I’ll have to go with her tomorrow. ??? Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We had to stay in our classroom. ? 3. 用于否定句中时,两者意思有很大的不同。Mustn’t 表示“不准”,“不允许”,“禁止”;don’t have to 则表示“不必”,与“needn’t”同意。 ??? e.g. You mustn’t smoke in the classroom. ??? You don’t have to worry about his studies. ??? ——Must I hand in my exercise book now, Mr. Zhao? ??? ——No, you ?needn’t??? . You may give it to me tomorrow. ? 4. must 可用于一种较为肯定的推测或推断,常用于肯定句中,意为“一定要,肯定”,而have to 没有此用法。 e.g. If it is really lost, it must be found. ??? You must be very tired. Ex.? Read the text and try to choose a correct heading from the box. ??????????????????????????? In 1974, the tomb of the First Emperor, Shi Huang Di, was discovered. The discovery amazed the world because of the large number of life-like, life-size terracotta army soldiers in the tomb. Each soldier is wearing an army uniform. No two faces look alike and each shows a different expression. Ever


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