【精品】北京课改版英语八下《Unit 3 The Sports Meet》教案.docVIP

【精品】北京课改版英语八下《Unit 3 The Sports Meet》教案.doc

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Unit 3 The Sports Meet 一. 教学内容: Unit 3 The Sports Meet ? 二. 教学目标: 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元中的单词、短语、句型和语法。 能力目标:能够熟练运用本单元所学的知识,对运动会或某一个比赛场地的情景进行描写。 ? 三. 重点、难点 (1)句型too…to… (2)both和与both有关的句型 ? 四. 语法项目: 副词的比较级和最高级 ? 五. 本单元的重点知识 1. 单词:本单元后的单词表中的单词的音、形、意 2. 词组: (1)have a sports meet 举行运动会 (2)give it a good cleaning 好好地清洗了一下 (3)keep going 坚持下去 (4)at the car exhibition 在汽车展览会上 (5)in the garage 在车库里 (6)in a second-hand market 在二手车市场 (7)look beautiful 看上去非常漂亮 (8)put away 整理好,收拾 (9)on his math test 在数学考试中 (10)3 points behind 落后三分 (11)make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事,强迫某人做某事 (12)in the late afternoon 傍晚 (13)come to an end 结束,接近尾声 (14)call for attention 提醒大家注意 (15)stop cheering 停止欢呼 (16)so far 到目前为止 (17)have the last laugh 笑到最后 (18)in the field events 在田赛中 (19)jump the highest of all 跳得最高 (20)in the shot-put event 在推铅球比赛中 (21)in the 100-meter race 在百米赛跑中 (22)stand at the starting line 站在起跑线上 (23)at the end of… 在……末端 (24)shout at the top of their voices 用最大声音喊 (25)run faster and faster 跑的越来越快 (26)begin to do sth. 开始做某事 (27)take the first prize for… 取得了……项目的第一 (28)congratulations to sb. 祝贺某人 (29)have a great time 开心,过得愉快 (30)catch up with sb. 赶上某人 (31)take part in 参加 (32)the final event 最后一项 (33)pay attention 注意 (34)rush forward 向前冲去 (35)manage to do sth. 设法做某事 (36)try one’s best 尽……的最大努力 3. 句型: (1)I enjoy swimming best. (2)I may swim the fastest of all in our class. (3)Perhaps Liu Feng can jump the highest in our class. (4)Who runs the fastest? (5)I don’t think anybody can catch her. (6)Those students seem well prepared for the 800-meter race. (7)Students of Class 8 and Class 3 are too excited to stop cheering. (8)Both classes have won two first places so far. (9)Class 8 did better than Class 3 in the field events. (10)The tallest girl in Class 8 jumped the highest of all. (11)Zhu Tao threw the ball the farthest in the shot-put event. (12)Zhang Fang jumped the farthest. (13)Class 3 is catching up with Class 8. (14)


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