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100 2011 42 2 1, 2 2 1, 李永国 颜忠诚 王德华 1 ( , 100101; 2, 100048) 褐色脂肪组织( brown adipose tissue, BAT)在小型哺乳动物的非颤抖性产热体温调节以及 体重维持等方 都具有重要的生理功能在人类中, 曾一度认为褐色脂肪组织只在新生儿中存在, 在成人体中不存在或数量甚微而没有生理意义随着医学科技的发展, 2009年采用监测癌症及癌 症转移的氟化脱氧葡萄糖 正电子发射计算机断层显像技术X 射线断层显像技术( 18FFDG P T CT)检测到在成年人体内也存在功能性的褐色脂肪组织, 此发现颠覆了传统的观念, 也为人类对抗 肥胖提供了新靶标本文就褐色脂肪组织在人类体内的存在及其潜在的生理意义进行了概述 褐色脂肪组织; 肥胖; 糖尿病; 衰老 Q413 1, 2 B rown A dipose T issue in H um an and Its Poten tial Phy siologica l Sign ificance LI YongGuo , 2 1 1 YAN ZhongCheng, WANG DeHua ( State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects 2 and Rodents, Institute of Zoology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; College of Lfie Sci ence, Cap ital ormal University, Beijing 100048, China) Abs tract Brown adipose tissue ( BAT ) plays an mi portant role in nonshiverthing thermogenesis, ther moregulation and body mass regulation in small mammals. However, in human, the presence of brown adipose tissuewas thought to be relevant only in infants, w ith negligible physiologic relevance in adult. Recently, using 18Ffluorodeoxyglucose ( 18FFDG) positronem ission tomographic and computed tomo graphic (P TCT ) scans showed that adults retain metabolically active BAT depots that can be induced in response to cold and sympathetic nervous system activation. These findings highlight BAT as a poten tial relevant target for pharmacological and gene expression m anipulation to combat human obes


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