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重庆烟草业绿色物流发展研究 摘 要 随着社会经济的飞速发展,在人类物质文明大大提高的同时,地球上的资源正在日益减少,环境破坏日益严重,从而使人类的后续生存和持续发展受到严重威胁。在这种背景下,20 世纪 70 年代,在世界范围内掀起了一场旨在保护地球环境,实现可持续发展的“绿色革命”运动,绿色化浪潮正在向社会各领域渗透。现代物流作为经济运行的动脉和连接生产与消费的纽带,在推动经济发展的同时,也对环境产生了负面影响。因此如何实现物流与环境的协调发展,已成为人们思考的一个沉重话题,于是绿色物流应运而生,并逐渐成为物流领域的研究热点。 本文的研究对象是重庆市烟草业绿色物流发展。全文内容安排如下: 第一章,主要介绍了绿色物流的产生背景和研究意义,结合绿色物流在国内外的研究现状和我国烟草业绿色物流的发展现状,提出重庆市发展绿色物流的必要性。 第二章,解释绿色物流的概念及内涵,提出本文所要探讨的发展烟草业绿色物流的技术手段。 第三章,分析重庆烟草业绿色物流发展概况和存在的“非绿色”因素。 第四章,从硬件和软件方面提出发展重庆市烟草业绿色物流的建议,重点强调升级重庆市烟草业物流基础设备、优化重庆市烟草物流配送网络布局、提升物流配送信息化水平和建立健全物流配送管理体制等措施。 最后,对本文内容做出总结,并对重庆市烟草业绿色物流发展做出展望。 关键词:绿色物流,烟草业绿色物流,重庆市烟草物流,物流配送 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of social economy and human’s material civilization, the earths resources are dwindling and the environment is seriously damaged. So the subsequent human survival and sustainable development have been seriously threatened. Under the background, in the 1970s, the movement which is aimed to protect earths environment and realize the sustainable development is set off around the world. The green revolution wave is to permeate society in various fields. Modern logistics,as the artery of economic operation and the link between production and consumption, has made a big promotion the economic development. However it also has negative impact on the environment. So how to realize the coordinated development of the logistics and the environment has become t a heavy topic that every people will think about. Then green logistics arises at the historic moment and gradually becomes a hot research topic in the field of logistics. The research object of this paper is the tobacco industry in Chongqing green logistics development. The full text content is arranged as followings: The first chapter mainly introduces the background and research significance of green logistics. Combined with the development research status of green logistics domestic and abroad .Then the status quo of the tobacco industry in our country will be talked. At last the necessity of


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