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自动防盗门开锁机构设计 摘要 随着社会物质则富的日益增长,安全防盗已成为社会热点问题自古以来锁就是把守门户的铁将军,是人们则富和安全的忠实守护神。现代社会,人们对防盗锁的要求越来越高,既要安全可靠,又要使用方便,这也是制锁者长期以来研制的主题。 随着电子、机电与信息技术的应用,防盗锁已进入电子时代,原有的弹子锁由于结构上的局限已难以满足当前社会管理和防盗要求,本设计在机械锁的基础上加以改进,用机械手控制机械锁,实现开锁的目的;机械手开锁机构锁保密好、使用方便,适用于多种用途,不仅增加了锁的种类,而且传统的制锁业能够应用电气、机电技术而获得新生。 关键词:机械手;开锁机构;机电技术 Design of automatic anti-theft door Unlocking mechanism Abstract With the growing social and material wealth, security has become as the hot social issues since accounted for since the lock is guarded portals of iron will The army is the people, rich and safe faithful patron saint. In modern society, people The anti-theft lock of the increasingly high demand, both safe and reliable, but also Easy to use, this is the lock have long development theme. With the Application of electronic, electrical and information technology, has entered the electricity anti-theft lock Age, the original lock because the structure of limitations has been difficult to full. The current social management and security requirements, this design based on mechanical lock. Improvement, manipulator control mechanical lock, to realize the unlocking purpose; the lock mechanism of manipulator lock good security, easy to use, suitable for a variety of purposes, not only increased the lock type, but the traditional The lock can be used electrical, mechanical and electrical technology was born. Key word: manipulator;Unlocking mechanismElectromechanical Technology 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1研究的目的和意义 1 2 自动防盗门开锁机构的机械手设计 2 2.1开锁机构机械手整体的设计要求 2 2.2开锁机构机械手零件的基本要求及参数 2 2.3本章小结 3 3 自动防盗门开锁机构的原理分析、方案确定及材料选择 4 3.1驱动方式 4 3.1.1液压驱动 4 3.1.2电机驱动 4 3.2传动方式 5 3.2.1带传动 5 3.2.2链传动 5 3.2.3齿轮传动 6 3.2.4蜗杆传动 6 3.3开锁机构机械手结构 6 3.4材料选择 8 3.4.1机械材料选用原则 8 3.4.2材料的工艺要求 9 3.4.3零部件材料选择要求 10 3.5本章小结 11 4 开锁机构的机械手计算 12 4.1机械手零件尺寸及强度计算及校核 12 4.1.1 开锁力的估算 12 4.1.2机械手爪的受力分析 12 4.1.3丝杠的尺寸计算 13 4.2齿轮的选择及计算 13 4.2.1选定齿轮的类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 13 4.2.2按齿面接触强度设计 14 4.2.3按齿根弯曲强度设计 15 4.2.4几何尺寸计算 16 4.3本章小结 17 5 开锁机构机械手锥齿轮几何尺寸设计计算 18 5.1大端模数 18 5.2其他参数 18 5.3本章小结 19


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