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轻型载货汽车转向桥设计 摘 要 本设计为载重汽车的转向桥,此转向桥需要适应不同路况,不同速度下的稳定行驶,因此对前桥的要求也越来越高。在汽车设计、制造、因此应该本着既能有足够的承载能力,又能实现耐用经济的思想进行方案的选择,为了降低生产成本,又在结构上满足要求的情况下应尽量简单。 通过设计:(1)保证有足够的强度:以保证可靠的承受车轮与车架之间的作用力。(2)保证有足够的刚度:以使车轮定位参数不变。(3)保证转向轮有正确的定位角度:以使转向轮运动稳定,操纵轻便并减轻轮胎的磨损。(4)转向桥的质量应尽可能小:以减少非簧上质量,提高汽车行驶平顺性。 通过分析工作原理设计转向节、前轴、主销等零件的尺寸,使各个零部件的强度满足校核,并运用caxa等绘图软件绘制装配图和零件图。 关键词: 转向桥;定位参数;转向节;前轴;主销 The design of the truck steering axle Abstract This design is Steering Axle for heavy trucks. The design is need to adapt to different road and under different speeds, so the stability of front axle higher requirements. In car design, manufacture, and should be based on both have enough carrying capacity, and can achieve durable economic thoughts options, in order to reduce the production cost, and meets the requirements in the structure of situations should as far as possible simple. By design: (1) To ensure adequate strength: in order to ensure affordable and reliable force between wheel and frame. By design: (1) To ensure adequate strength: in order to ensure affordable and reliable force between wheel and frame. (2) Ensure adequate rigidity: in order to change the wheel alignment parameters. (3)To ensure the correct positioning of steering wheel angle: to make the steering wheel movement and stability, manipulating light and reduce tire wear. (4) The steering axle of quality should be as small as possible: to reduce the non-sprung mass, improve vehicle ride comfort. Works by analyzing the design of steering knuckle, front axle, kingpin and other parts of the size, so that the strength of the various components to meet the check, and use other mapping software caxa assembly drawing and parts are drawing. Key words: steering axle; positional parameters; knuckle; front axle;kingpin 目录 摘 要 1 1.汽车转向桥的概况 3 1.1汽车转向桥目前状况 3 1.1.1汽车前桥的分类 3 1.1.2前桥各参数对汽车稳定性的作用与影响 3 1.2从动桥的结构形式 7 1.2.1 从动桥总体结构 7 1.2.2 载重汽车从动桥 8 1.2.3 载重汽车从动桥 9 1.2.4设计意义 9 2.转向桥的设计结构参数 10 2.1结构参数选择 10 2.2从动桥总体结构选择 10 2.3确定前桥具体结构型式 10 3.前轴设计 11 3.1前轴


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