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牧草压捆机的设计 摘 要:饲草业的发展具有巨大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,但在其商品化生产过程中,首先遇到的是牧草分布的不均匀性,造成了有的地区牧草供过于求,而有的地区却因为没有可喂养牲畜的饲草而不得不放弃饲养,出现了资源配置不合理现象,造成了资源的浪费。要想解决这一问题就是要使牧草流通起来。但这些物料松散,容积密度小,收集、运输困难。因此,本文进行了饲草压捆机的设计。本文首先讨论了饲草压缩理论的研究与进展,特别是饲草压缩过程及压缩力的变化及计算,为压捆机的设计提供了理论支持。并通过实地考察对现有的牧草压捆机有了一定的了解。 本文在现有机具的基础上,根据我国的实际需要,综合考虑了现有饲草压缩理论,运用现代设计方法对压捆机进行了改进设计。此外,本文以设计的压捆机为依据,对压捆机的使用进行了效益分析。 关键字: 压捆机,牧草压捆机,方捆,设计 Abstract: Forage grasss industry development has the huge economic efficiency, the social efficiency and the ecology benefit, but in its commercialization production process, first meets is the forage grass distribution no uniformity, has created the local forage grass supply in excess of demand which has, but some areas but because does not have to be possible actually to feed domestic animals forage grass to be able not but to give up raising, appeared the resources disposition unreasonable phenomenon, has created the resources waste. Must want to solve this problem is must cause the forage grass to circulate. But these materials are loose, the volume density is small, collection, transportation difficulty. Therefore, this article has carried on the forage grass baling machine design. This article first discussed the forage grass compression theory research and the progress, specially the forage grass compression process and the force of compression change and the computation, has provided the theory support for the baling machine design. And had certain understanding through on-the-spot investigation to the existing forage grass baling machine. This article in the existing machines and tools foundation, according to our countrys actual need, the overall evaluation existing forage grass compression theory, has carried on the improvement design using the modern design method to the baling machine. In addition, this article designs the baling machine is the basis, has carried on the benefit analysis to the baling machine use。 Key words: The baling machine, the forage grass baling machine, only


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