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摘  要 随着市场经济的逐渐形成,全球化经济已在国内迅速发展起来。以往的销售模式正在受到空前的挑战:人们已经对去固定的场所、购买(出售)固定的物品的交易方式所带来的不便越来越感到不满,交易的时间长、效率低。高额的运费、销售场地的凭租费等繁多的额外开支也给商家带来沉重的成本支出。为了适应市场、适应经济前进的步伐,买家和商家都在努力积极地寻找一种能够带来高效率、低成本销售模式。 网上商城不需要商店的凭租费;新商品可以用最短的时间吸引顾客的眼球,因为它不需要那么长的运输时间。网上商城为商家节省了大笔的运输费用、场地凭租费等额外成本,同时也为买家带来了无穷的方便性。网上商城使得“买东西、不出门”成为现实。廉价的网络资源使得网上商城成本低廉,给世界性的互联网络带来无比宽阔的市场,给商家/买家带来了众多利益和无限需求。 本设计对商业活动中常见的采购、库存、销售等商业活动以及相关的供应商和客户等基本信息进行了管理。系统中的数据格式和字段设置不具体针对某一个行业或企业,因而具有普遍的适用性。 关键词 购买;运动商品;网上商城;电子商务 Abstract Along with the gradual formation of a market economy, globalization, the economy has developed rapidly in China. Sales of the previous model is facing an unprecedented challenge: people have right to a fixed place to buy (sell) a fixed mode of commodities are increasingly dissatisfied with the inconvenience of the transaction long time and low efficiency. High freight costs, sales venue rental, etc. With many of the additional expenses also impose a heavy cost to businesses. In order to adapt to the market to adapt to the pace of growth of our economy, buyers and businesses are working actively to find a way to bring high efficiency, low cost sales model. Online Mall With no rental store; new product can be the shortest possible time to attract customers attention, because it does not need that long transport time. Online Mall for businesses substantial savings in transport costs, venue rental, etc. With the additional costs, but also for the buyer to bring endless convenience. Online Mall making the buy things do not go out, become a reality. Network resources allows low-cost low-cost online mall, to the worldwide Internet has brought tremendous broad market, to the vendor / buyer has brought many benefits and unlimited demand. The design of commercial activities in a common procurement, inventory, sales and other commercial activities, and related suppliers and customers, and other basic information management. System data format and field settings are not specific to a particular industry or e


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