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本科生毕业论文题目:(中文)一种搜索引擎的查询意图发现的新方法 (英文)A New Method of Detecting Query Intent for Search Engines姓 名: 徐谷子 学 号: 系: 信息科学技术学院 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 指导教师: 彭波 二〇一一年五月三十一日摘要搜索引擎每天收到数量巨大的查询请求,这些查询背后的用户意图可能是不同的。搜索引擎可以根据不同的查询意图,提供不同的服务功能(如对研究型的查询意图提供一个记事本功能,对导航型查询展开网站的重要内容),或对同样的服务进行不同的实现(如采用不同的排序函数)。用户的查询意图,最主要的可以分成信息类和导航类。对用户查询意图的分类,现有的大多数方法都基于查询串文本本身的特征和查询的用户点击数据特征。这两种方法存在如下的困难:对于查询串的文本特征,查询比较短,特征比较稀疏,要进行比较准确地理解会比较困难;对于用户点击特征,由于用户提交查询的长尾性分布,大多数查询的提交次数都是较少的,对于这些查询,要判别它们的意图是比较困难的。为了克服长尾查询上查询意图判断的不可靠问题,本文提出利用查询结果的相关性分数的分布作为特征来判断查询的意图。这种方法会依赖查询结果的特征,比查询串本身的特征更加丰富;同时不依赖于用户的点击数据,因此可以克服长尾查询上的困难。结果表明,使用结果分数分布,可以提高意图判别的准确程度。另外,不同的用户在提交同一个查询的时候,他们的意图有可能是彼此不同的。我们可以通过一个用户的查询提交和点击历史,来推断用户的查询意图。但是,仅仅利用一个用户的查询和点击历史,其数据会比较稀疏。因此,我们使用不同用户的查询和点击历史,来判断行为模式相近的其他用户的查询意图。关键词:查询意图,用户点击,查询分类,个性化Abstract Search engines receive large amounts of queries every day, but the user intent behind them might be different. According to different query types, search engines can offer various services such as offering a notebook function for research-based queries or listing important content for navigational queries. Search engines can also bring about different results on the ground of same task, for example it can adopt different sort functions. The query intent of users can be mainly divided to two kinds: informational and navigational.Current methods of classification of query intent most rely on the text of queries and the click information of users. Those two methods have following disadvantages: for the properties of the text of queries, the queries are usually short and lack of properties, so it is hard to understand the intent correctly. For the click through information, most queries have been submitted a few times because of the distribution of queries submitted. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish their query intent.In order to solve the unreliability of the judgments about the query intent of long tail queries, we propose that using the distribution of correlation scores of result of querie



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