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+- 中南大学 高等教育自学考试毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:哈姆雷特的性格浅析 报考专业:英语 考生姓名:文姣 考 籍 号:010309102358 报考所在地:湖南省长沙市 工作单位:湖南省外贸职院 邮政编码:410114 ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTER OF HAMLET by Wen Jiao (010309102358) March10, 2011 Hunan Foreign Economic Relations Trade College Acknowledgements Here and now, I extend my thanks to whose who have helped me make these thesis possible and better.First,I am most indebted to my teacher Sherry, who has spent much of her precious time in offering valuable advice and guidance in my writing, and whose intellectual insights have contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis. Had she not devoted her painstaking efforts to reading patiently each draft and making critical comments, the completion of this thesis would have been impossible. My special thanks also go to all my teachers whose inspiring lectures have had an undoubted influence on much of the content of my thesis. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the authors whose words I have cited or quoted, and to the scholars upon whose ideas I have freely drawn. Contents Abstract贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩ious time in off摘要·································ii  Introduction······························1 Chapter 1 Background Knowledge of Shakespeare and Hamlet······························2 1.1 A Brief Introduction about William Shakespeare········5 1.2 Introduction about Hamlet贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩? Chapter 2 mlet WilliaAnalyze the Character of Hamlet?贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩8 2.1 Having of Hamlan Emotional Soul贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩10lt?ia Shakes 2.2 Daring and Bravery贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩 12 2.3 Suspicion贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩14 2.4 Delay贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩18 Chapter 3 ellectual insights have contributed greatly to The Main Reason Leading to the Formation of Hamlets Character贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩19 3.1 The M Formation of Hamlark of the Times贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩?0 3.2 Social Factors贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩21 3.3 Environmental Factors贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩?2 Chapter 4 8 Chapter 3 ellectual insights have contThe Social Significance of Hamlet贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩23 Conclusion贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩贩24


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