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DB11/10032013 Design Specification for Precast Concrete Shear Wall Structure 2013-7-24 2014-2-1 1 , !#$%’*+,-#./0123456789:5; ?@ABCDE#FG5H9IJKLMN5OPQ8R Q8STUVWXY 1.6Z[ 2.\]^[ 3.2Q_[ 4.‘a[ 5.7 ! 2Q_[ 6. 7 ![ 7. P 7 ![ 8. 7 !R 5.1.3 ! Q 5 !#$%’ 5 X !’R #$%8S ’ *+ ,-./, 0101%E 2a 34 !#$%’ 56 7 #789:;Y ?@AB 62^5 CDEY010R !’DEY010-680580715 GHYbjbb3000@163.comR IOJKY !#$%’ LOJKYMNOP Q9RSPT%’ QU;V%’ ! WX%’ 8#$% Y ’ ZOP I[\]Y^_‘ a A !# $%-’Y * +,- . 2 1 1 2 2 2.12 2.23 3 . 4 4 . 6 4.1. 6 4.2 6 5 8 5.1 ! 8 5.2#$#$%.10 5.3’*.10 5.4+,.56..11 5.556 .14 5.68956.16 6 ! ..20 6.1 !.20 6.2+,:;56..20 6.356 .27 7#$%’ ..29 7.1 !.29 7.2+,:;5629 7.356 .31 8 ! ..33 8.1 !.33 38.2?@: :;56..33 8.356 .34 *+,-./37 0+123..38 456723.39 4Contents 1 General provisions.1 2 Terms and symbols.2 2.1 Terms2 2.2 Symbols.3 3 Basic requirements.4 4 Materials..6 4.1 Concrete rebar and steel.6 4.2 Connection materials6 5 Basic requirements of structural design8 5.1 General requirements.8 5.2 Action and combination of actions..10 5.3 Structural analysis10 5.4 Design of precast reinforced concrete members.11 5.5 Connection design14 5.6 Diaphragm design16 6 Design of assembled monolithic reinforced concrete shear wall structure.20 6.1 General requirements.20 6.2 Design of precast reinforced concrete shear walls.20 6.3 Connection design27 7 Design of assembled hollow-core reinforced concrete shear wall structure29 7.1 General requirements.29 7.2 Design of precast hollow-core reinforced concrete shea


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