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Spontaneous Entropy Reversible process Second law of thermodynamics Third law of thermodynamics Standard entropy Gibbs free energy Standard free energy of formation ……. (3) N2(g) + 3H2(g) ? 2NH3(g) ?fHm? /kJ·mol-1 0 0 -46.2 Sm? /J·mol-1K-1 191.5 130.6 192.5 ?rHm? = -92.4 kJ·mol-1, ?rSm? = -198.3 J·mol-1K-1 (△H and △S have the same sign) The temperature for spontaneous: ?rGm? = ?rHm? - T ? ?rSm? ? 0 -92.4 ? 103 + T ? 198.3 ? 0 T ≥ 466 K Thus the nitrogen fixation reaction can occur at high temperature (773K) and high pressure (5 ? 107 ). Summary of Chapter 2 1. Understand the concepts of thermodynamics 1.1 Internal energy U 1.2 Enthalpy H 1.3 Entropy S 1.4 Free energy G 2. Calculation and key equations 2.1 First Law of thermodynamic ?U = Q + W Pay attention to the sign of Q and W 2.2 Heat of reaction under constant-volume:QV = ?U 2.3 Heat of reaction under constant-pressure:QP = ?H ?H = ?U + P?V QP= QV + P?V = QV + ?nRT 2.4 Hess’s Law and the calculation of enthalpy change 2.5 Criterion for spontaneity ?G and ?rG? standard state ?rG?m 0 or ?rG?m 0 other state ?rG 0 or ?rG 0 ?G?(T) = ?H? ? T?S?, ?G (T) = ?H ? T?S 3、Spontaneous process in nature The rusting of an iron pipe exposed to the atmosphere A rock at the top of a hill rolls down A hot object cools down to the temperature of the surrounding Water flows to a lower level Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) = Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s) 5.3 Predict if a process is spontaneous or not Na (s) + H2O (l) NaOH (aq) + ? H2 (g) ?H? = -184 kJ?mol-1 2Fe (s) +3/2 O2 (g) Fe2O3 (s) ?H? = -822 kJ?mol-1 NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) ?H? = -57.3 kJ?mol-1 2H2S (g) + SO2 (g) 3S (s) + 2H2O (l) ?H? = -236 kJ?mol-1 Exothermic pr


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