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摘要 2005年7月21日,我闺实行汇率制度改革,开始实行真正意义上的以市场 供求为基础的浮动汇率制度。在浮动汇率制下,汇率随外汇市场供求的变动而波 动。汇率的频繁波动和不确定性,对企业现金流量、资产负债表以及日常经营产 生了很大影响。对于从事对外贸易的企业而言,在从事国际贸易和国际融资活动 时,面临的汇率风险则更加突出。目前人民币汇率的浮动弹性在逐渐扩大,而汇 率波动对我國出口贸易的影响也在逐渐加深。在此背景下,研究外贸企业汇率风 险的管理,并且设计外贸企业汇率风险管理体系就显得极为重要。 本文在分析国内外汇率风险管理研究成果的基础上,首先以逐层递进的方式 明确了汇率风险管理的概念及目的。其次简单介绍了汇率风险的成因及影响,并 按照其分类,归纳总结了现今我国企业使用的一般汇率风险管理方法。而后根据 海尔集团的实际情况,采用报表分析及比较经验相结合的方式在海尔原有的基础 上提出建议,完善其汇率风险管理方法。最后设计了海尔集团汇率管理体系,并 对设计方案进行了说明,试图应用该体系帮助与海尔集团规模及经营模式相似的 企业进行汇率风险管理。 关键词:出口企业,汇率,汇率风险,管理体系 Abstract On July 21st, 2005, China reformed float exchange rate system. From then on, China has become executively float exchange system, which based on market supply and demand. Under this system, the exchange fluctuations accord to market supply and demand. Because of the exchange fluctuation frequently and uncertainly, it has much impact on cash flows, on assets and liabilities and on the real business of the firm. So it is increasingly conspicuous exchange risk for the Foreign-trade enterprises to face for engaging in international trade and financing activities. Currently the RMB exchange rate issue has been the focus of world attention. The flexibility of RMB exchange rate is gradually enlarged, and its impacts on export trade has gradually deepened.Under this background, it is very important for researches the exchange risk management on Foreign-trade enterprises and design of the Foreign-trade enterprises^ exchange rate management system. Based on the analysis of Exchange rate risk management at home and abroad of research results, At first, use this way that progressive on layer to clear concept and purpose of the exchange rate risk management. The second, describes the causes and impact of exchange rate risk in briefly, and according to their classification, generalize and summarize the exchange rate risk management in general of company in china now. Then, according to the characteristics of Haier Group, using report analysis and comparison with the method of combinin


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