Assessment OF Learning 学习评价培训讲义.doc

Assessment OF Learning 学习评价培训讲义.doc

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Assessment OF Learning学习的评价的定义: occurs when teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgements on student achievement against goals and standards. 通常在老师以学生学习的证据来判断学生的学习成果是否达到预设目标与标准。 It is usually formal, frequently occurring at the end of units of work where it sums up student achievement at a particular point in time. 通常是正式的,经常使用于单元结束时总结学生某个特定时间的学习成果。 It has a summative use, showing how students are progressing against the standards, and a formative use, providing evidence to inform long term planning. 也可用于结题,根据标准展示学生正在进步;或形成性评价,用于提供以后设计活动的依据。 is any summative test or assessment, whether class-based, school-based or national 无论是分年级的、校或 it sums up what the students know, do and understand. 可以总结出学生知道什么,做了什么和明白什么。 Assessment FOR Learning“为了学习的评价”定义 occurs when teachers use inferences about student progress to inform their teaching. It is frequent, formal or informal (e.g. quality questioning, anecdotal notes, written comments), embedded in teaching and provides clear and timely feedback that helps students in their learning progression. It provides evidence that informs, or shapes, short term planning for learning (Because it helps shape, or form, learning it is formative assessment). 用于教师参考学生进步的信息推进行教学活动的设计;通常是 正式的或非正式 (例如有效提问,童言趣语,评论),体现在教学中,提供清晰、及时的反馈以帮助学生进步。它提供了为短期教学活动设计提供依据。(由于学习性评价协助塑造或形成学习,一般用于形成性评价) is any practice which provides information to pupils about what to do to improve 评价目的告诉学生如何做及怎样改进学习方法 it informs the teacher’s planning and instruction. 指导教师备课和教学 Assessment AS Learning “学习作为评价的方式”定义: occurs when students and teachers reflect on and monitor student’s progress to inform their future learning goals. 一般在师生反思时,关注学生的发展如何达到预期的学习目标。 It is regularly occurring, formal or informal (e.g. peer feedback buddies, formal self assessment) and helps students take responsibility for their own past and future learning. It builds metacognition as it involves students in understanding the standards expected of them, in setting and monitoring their own


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