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目 录 绪 论 1 任务要求 1 1 PLC概述 1 1.1 plc的产生、定义、组成、特点及发展趋势 36 1.2 plc的工作原理 36 1.3 PLC的编程语言 36 1.4PLC的分类及性能指标 36 2 PLC四路抢答器概述 36 2.1 PLC四路抢答器概述 1 2.2 PLC智能抢答器的工作原理 3 3 系统硬件设计 12 3.1控制系统选取 12 3.2 控制系统的硬件组成 12 3.3 系统控制要求 13 3.4 控制系统I/O分配表 14 3.5 系统硬件连接图 15 4 系统软件设计 17 4.1 整体设计 17 4.2 PLC控制程序 18 5 模拟运行与调试过程 36 5.1 程序的模拟运行 36 5.2 程序的现场调试 37 6总 结 36 7致 谢 43 8参考文献 44 摘 要 近年来随着科技的飞速发展, PLC的应用不断地走向深入,同时带动传统的控制检测技术的不断更新,可编程控制器由于其优良的控制性能,极高的可靠性,在各行各业中的应用日益广泛普及。对于抢答器其广泛用于电视台、商业机构、企事业工会组织、俱乐部及学校等单位组织举办各种知识、技术竞赛及文娱活动时作抢答之用,为竞赛增添了刺激性、娱乐性,在一定程度上丰富了人们的业余生活,并且给人的视觉效果非常好,是各单位开展素质教育、精神文明、娱乐活动的必备产品。 本次设计是利用PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)对PLC控制的四路智力抢答器进行控制。由于PLC具有可靠性高、体积小、通用性、使用方便等优点。因此,我决定选用西门子 S7-200 作为本次设计的PLC。具有方便灵活维护使用方便。Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology in recent years, PLC applications continue to go deeper, and promote the traditional control constantly updated detection technology, programmable logic controller to control because of its excellent performance, high reliability, in all walks of life increasingly wide spread of applications. Responder which are widely used for television, commercial institutions, enterprises and trade unions, clubs and schools and other units to organize all kinds of knowledge, skills competitions and cultural activities for the answer in use, the race added a provocative, entertaining, in the a certain extent, enrich peoples leisure life, and gives the visual effect is very good, is to carry out the various units of quality education, spiritual, recreational activities, essential products. This design is the use of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) control of the PLC to control four intelligence Responder. As PLC has high reliability, small size, versatility, ease of use. Therefore, I decided to use Siemens S7-200 design as the second PLC. With convenient and flexible, easy maintenance features. Keywords: Quad Responder, PLC 任 务 要 求 假设有四组抢答器,有四位选手,一位主持人。主持人有一个开始答题按钮,一个


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