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第七章 特殊跟单信用证 第一节 可转让信用证 第二节 背对背信用证 第三节 款项让渡 第四节 预支信用证 第五节 循环信用证和信用证含有分批装运条款 第六节 使用外国贷款、出口信贷融资开立信用证 第七节 长期信用证和无效信用证 第八节 信开、电开、SWIFT开立信用证和eUCP 第七章 特殊跟单信用证 第一节 可转让信用证 Article 48 Transferable Credit a. A transferable Credit is a Credit under which the Beneficiary (First Beneficiary) may request the bank authorized to pay, to incur a deferred payment undertaking, accept or negotiate (the Transferring Bank), or in the case of freely negotiable Credit, the bank specifically authorized in the Credit as a transferring bank, to make the Credit available in whole or in part to one or more other Beneficiary(ies) (Second Beneficiary(ies)). 第七章 特殊跟单信用证 Article 48 Transferable Credit b. A Credit can be transferable only if it is expressly designated as ‘transferable’ by the Issuing Bank. Terms such as ‘divisible’,(可分割) ‘fractionable’(可分开), ‘assignable’(可让渡), and ‘transmissible’ (可转递)do not render the Credit transferable. If such terms are used they shall be disregarded. 第七章 特殊跟单信用证 Article 48 Transferable Credit g. Unless otherwise stated in the Credit, a Transferable Credit can be transferred once only. … A retransfer to the First Beneficiary does not constitute a prohibited transfer. Fractions of a transferable Credit (not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of the Credit) can be transferred separately, provided partial shipments/drawings are not prohibited, and the aggregate of such transfers will be considered as constituting only one transfer of the Credit. 第七章 特殊跟单信用证 Article 48 Transferable Credit h. The Credit can be transferred only on the terms and conditions specified in the original Credit, with the exception of: ? the amount of the Credit, ? any unit price stated therein, ? the expiry date, ? the last date for presentation of documents , ? the period for shipment, any or all of which may be reduced or curtailed. 第七章 特殊跟单信用证 Article 48 Transferable Cre


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