【大学英语】The Media.ppt

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Unit 8 The Media Useful Information Understanding Vocabulary Phrases and Expressions Understanding the text After-class Reading Passage 1 What Makes TV Most Entertaining? Understanding vocabulary Phrases and Expressions Understanding the text passage 2 Sounding the waters Understanding vocabulary Phrases and Expressions Understanding the text Passage 3 The Power of the Press Understanding vocabulary Phrases and Expressions Understanding the text on the go 很忙 to go 剩下的,未完成的 Have a try I want to buy a new tie to ____ this brown suit. a. go into b. go after c. go with d. go by c 2) No ready technical data were available, but we managed to ____ . a. go after b. go down c. go wrong d. go without 3) The professor in his lecture ___ the capacity of his audience. a. went ahead b. went beyond c. went behind d. went after d b 2. make one’s way 前进,行进 He made his way to the market-place, as he had been instructed to do. I made my way along the road. 我沿着公路走。 复习巩固有关way的短语 all the way ay the way ay way of give way go out of one’s way in a way 特地,不怕麻烦地 让步,屈服;倒塌;让路 在某种程度上,从某一点上看 经过,经由;通过……的方法 一直,完全 顺便地,附带地说说 in no way in the/sb’s way make one’s way make way no way under way out of the way one way or another 被处理好,得到解决;难以达到的 决不 去,前往,行进 挡(某人)路的,妨碍(某人)的 在进行中 以某种形式 无论如何不,不可能 让路,腾出地方或位置 1. During the 1960s and 1970s when television first became popular, some people predicted the “death” of radio, books, and newspapers, saying that television would provide the entertainment, knowledge and news once provided by the other media. (L.3~6) During the period of time from 1960 to 1970, television just became popular, some people predicted that television will provide entertainment, knowledge and news instead of traditional media as radio, books, and newspapers. Therefore, the traditional media will disappear. 在60到70年代,电视开始普及时,有人预言说收音机,书籍,报纸将消亡,电视会代替其他媒体来提供娱乐,知识和信息。 During the 1960s …… became popu



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