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高层领导对项目的整体工作思路,工作过程和主要成果达成一致意见 对具体的项目实施方案的设计和实施计划的推动过程中支持相关部门的工作 对于在项目实施过程中发现的问题,坚持原则和大局,及时解决 高层对本项目的理解,支持与推动 完善的项目实施方案设计 贯穿始终的沟通与交流 长期、持续的动态管理和维护工作 成功的关键因素 充分考虑公司具体情况,制定项目的实施计划和时间安排 成立项目实施推动小组,就实施方案与公司高层和相关业务部门进行论证 成功的关键因素 高层对本项目的理解,支持与推动 完善的项目实施方案设计 贯穿始终的沟通与交流 长期、持续的动态管理和维护工作 成功的关键因素 与公司及部门领导充分沟通绩效管理体系,使部门领导了解绩效管理的方法和特点 与公司及部门领导充分沟通未来的薪酬管理体系,让部门领导充分掌握薪酬管理的基本特点,发挥他们对员工的一线绩效激励作用 告知员工绩效评估和未来薪酬体系和激励机制的基本方面,解除员工可能存在的疑惑,推动员工对项目实施过程的理解和参与 高层对本项目的理解,支持与推动 完善的项目实施方案设计 贯穿始终的沟通与交流 长期、持续的动态管理和维护工作 成功的关键因素 人力资源部门和公司领导层根据公司发展和外部环境变化的实际情况,适时地对薪酬和绩效管理体系进行跟踪监督和可能必要的维护工作,保证薪酬体系、能力素质模型和绩效管理体系对公司战略的支持 人力资源部门和公司领导层对人力资源管理和开发保持长期的关注和研究,不断提升管理技能 高层对本项目的理解,支持与推动 完善的项目实施方案设计 贯穿始终的沟通与交流 长期、持续的动态管理和维护工作 June 11, 2001 ? 2000 Arthur Andersen All rights reserved. * In this example, the objective of the project was to create a process for taking the company goals and performance drivers down to employee actionable levels. Senior leadership of the organization set the overall goals. We helped the company determine the “performance driver value trees” for their business units and support functions. The next step was to determine who in the organization was accountable for the achievement of which of the goals and objectives. Rather than decide from oversight level, goal setting workshops were used in which employees were given a process and tools for identifying which business drivers they had some impact on. Employees then identified their action steps and individual and team goals related to the overall goals. This process was powerful because: employees took ownership of the process and goals they had greater line of sight between their individual and team goals and the overall company goals employees understood how their actions created value in the organization ultimately there was greater coordination of activities, integration of efforts and less blaming of others across functions because employees had a fundamentally greater appreciation of the interdependencies of activities. J


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